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How To Get Videos Found in YouTube Search

Millions of videos are uploaded to YouTube daily, which is the second biggest online search engine after Google. With so much content vying for attention, getting your videos seen can feel like an uphill battle. However, it can still be possible and by understanding the key factors that influence YouTube’s ranking algorithm, you can craft content that shines and attracts a wider audience.

Know Your Audience, Satisfy Their Needs

First things first: relevance. YouTube prioritises videos that align with user searches. Conduct keyword research to understand what your target audience is looking for. Brainstorm engaging titles and descriptions that incorporate these keywords naturally.

Keeping Viewers Hooked: The Power of Watch Time

Imagine this: you spend hours crafting a fantastic video, but viewers click away after a few seconds. Not ideal! YouTube’s algorithm values audience retention. The longer viewers stay glued to your content, the higher your video will rank. Here’s how to achieve this:

  • Captivating Intros: Grab viewers’ attention within the first 10 seconds with a strong hook, a thought-provoking question, or a surprising fact.
  • Informative and Engaging Content: Deliver valuable information, tell a compelling story, or entertain your audience with humor. Maintain a good pace and avoid dragging out the video.
  • Visual Appeal: High-quality visuals are essential. Invest in good lighting and sound if possible. Consider using clear text overlays, engaging cuts, and interesting B-roll footage.

Engagement is King: Likes, Comments, and Shares

A video that sparks conversation and encourages viewers to interact is a YouTube algorithm goldmine. Promote engagement by:

  • Asking Questions: Pose thought-provoking questions throughout the video to get viewers thinking and commenting.
  • Calls to Action: Encourage viewers to like, subscribe, share your video, or visit your website.
  • Respond to Comments: Build a community by actively responding to comments and fostering discussion.

Optimising Your Video for Search

YouTube heavily relies on text to understand your video, plus you also want to increase the chances of your video being listed in Google’s main search results pages as well. Here’s how to optimise your content for search:

  • Keywords in Titles and Descriptions: Include relevant keywords in your titles and descriptions, but prioritise natural language over keyword stuffing.
  • Targeted Tags: Use a mix of broad and specific tags relevant to your video content.
  • Closed captions and transcripts: This improves search discoverability and caters to viewers who prefer captions.

Building Your YouTube Authority

While individual video performance is crucial, YouTube also considers your overall channel’s authority. Regularly upload high-quality content, maintain a consistent theme, and collaborate with other YouTubers in your niche. All this builds trust and positions your channel as a reliable source.


By implementing these strategies, you’ll equip yourself to create YouTube videos that not only entertain and inform but also climb the search rankings and reach a wider audience. Remember, creating a successful YouTube channel takes time and dedication. Keep creating, keep optimising, and keep engaging with your audience – and soon, you’ll see your viewership flourish.

If you’d like to know more, or get help with the optimisation of your video content, please contact us for a discussion.