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Announcing Domain-wide Data now in Search Console

In a follow-up to our latest blog on Search console, Index Coverage Status Reports in Google Search Console, this one takes a look at Google’s recent announcement that Search Console will now have domain-wide data.

Up until now having many separate verified versions of website (http, https, www, and non-www) could make it hard for webmasters to understand the full picture of how Google “sees” their domain as a whole. The release of ‘domain properties’ is designed to overcome that with a way of verifying and seeing the data from Google Search for a whole domain.

Domain properties show data for all URLs under the domain name, including all protocols, subdomains, and paths. They provide a complete view of a website across Search Console, reducing the need to manually combine data. So regardless of whether m-dot URLs for mobile pages are used, or HTTPS has been set up, Search Console will be able to help with a complete view of a site’s data from Google’s perspective.

If DNS verification is already set up, Search Console will automatically create new domain properties over the next few weeks, with data over all reports. Otherwise, to add a new domain property, just go to the property selector, add a new domain property, and use DNS verification. We recommend using domain properties where possible going forward.

Domain properties were built based on Users’ feedback and Google hopes it makes it easier to manage a site and to get a complete overview without having to manually combine data.

If you’d like to know more about these reports and checking your website in the Search Console account, please contact us for help.