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Google Revamps its SEO Starter Guide

One crucial aspect of digital marketing is understanding Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and its intricacies. This is vital for businesses striving to maximise their online presence. Google’s SEO Starter Guide helps with this by providing a foundational resource that just received a well-deserved makeover, offering an updated roadmap for those beginning with SEO.

This comprehensive guide, initially introduced in 2008, has recently refocused on better helping its target audience which is not not SEO professionals but newish website owners and other content creators who would like to learn how to improve their content’s presence in search results,

To do so, Google has removed jargon and fluffy language (to get to the point faster), compressed most sections to their core elements, and deleted a few sections entirely. They have also focused its rewriting efforts on explaining terms and concepts in a more approachable way, and elaborating on the ‘why’ behind a given topic or best practice. It tried not to add anything new, but some sections lacked answers to ‘why should I do this’ and ‘why is this thing not here’.

The additions are in the duplicate content section, which now elaborates on what is duplicate content and how to fix it (if that’s even necessary), and a new short section for videos (for parity with the images section).

There’s also a new section about common SEO theories and ideas that people shouldn’t focus on too much, and a new section about how long it can take to see impact, with the intent of helping newcomers focus their efforts on areas that actually matter.

You can read the updated SEO Starter Guide.

If you want to learn more about how to implement best SEO practices or want some training for your business about that, please get in touch.