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SEO Mythbusting Videos from Google

Google has recently started to publish a series of videos under the title of ‘SEO Mythbusting’. They provide some background and insights on some of the common SEO issues that webmasters may face, and although some of the content is quite technical, it’s presented in an easy (easier) to understand way!

The short videos are informal chats between an industry guest and Martin Splitt, who is the ‘WebMaster Trends Analyst’ at Google. They have been developed to respond to common questions that are raised in the SEO community about issues that are not often understood or raise uncertainty in the way that Google handles them. Therefore to get a senior Googler to be involved in these videos is a valuable element to try and get the facts behind the myths.

To date there have been 6 videos posted and they can all be seen from this YouTube playlist. Subjects covered so far include a basic 101 intro, a discussion on how Googlebot works, the use of structured data, plus the importance of web performance and usability.

Here is the first video in the series:

It will be interesting to see how many episodes are produced and how many subject issues will be covered, but for anyone wanting to learn more about SEO and prefer to listen to a discussion, these can be a good resource.

If you’d like to know more about this video series or how you can improve your own website’s SEO, please get in touch.